Valuation & Financial Analysis
Our valuation team has years of combined experience providing hospitals and health systems independent fair market valuations. We have prepared valuation assessments for medical practices including surgical and non-surgical specialties ranging from solo physicians in private practice to Fortune 500s.
MMA provides a broad range of valuation and financial services including appraisals of medical practices and related ancillary services for acquisition, as well as for intra-practice sales involving various "buy-sell" transactions among physicians. We also prepare fair market valuation reports for integrated delivery systems, hospitals and surgery centers. Our valuation services also include fair market valuations of equipment, leases and personal service arrangements in connection with the Medicare Safe Harbor and Stark II regulations. Our valuation work has been relied upon for buy-sell transactions, divorce litigation, wrongful death litigation and defense from investigations made by the Office of Inspector General, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and other government agencies.
Our approach to financial analysis combines accurate and insightful inquiry that only years of experience with medical practice operations and finance can yield. We determine value based on cost, income and market approaches, as well as the reasonableness of the transaction, minding the regulatory implications of the relationship.